Best Buy Car Audio installation job?


Feb 27, 2008
I have a passion for car audio and car audio equipment. I have wanted to do it as a job for awhile now, and I think I might actually get serious about it soon. My question to yahoo answers, is what kind of training/tests would I need to complete to qualify for a job like this, and would it be worth it if I only did it as a summer job in between semesters at college?

Any input is really appreciated, thanks
Sounds like you already have the only thing you really need and that's the passion to do it. Get friendly with a local shop. Hang out. Ask questions. Don't be a know-it-all. Absorb as much info as you can. Work for free if you have to to show your enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Etc.

If you want to get certified, you should look into MECP. The basic level certification, which is what most installers at BBY have, a monkey passed out on sedatives could probably pass that test. However, it's still worth getting. Level 2 will begin to separate you from the passed out monkeys.

Master Installer ... good luck with that. Not many of those around and if you run into one, bow down and lick his shoes. You will be in the presence of greatness. I myself am not a master installer yet. But I do plan to get it one of these days. Just for the gratification of doing it and joining the elites.

You can order study guides from their site and all the instructions to schedule tests and stuff are on there too I believe. I haven't been on there in a while.

Good luck and have fun!