Best dual sport dirt bike for price?


New member
Apr 17, 2012
I am looking to buy a bike this summer. I am looking for something that I can take for a good road ride, but hop onto trails for some fun when I get time. I know I want some kind of dual sport dirt bike and have been suggested to look at some 250cc. I am 20, about 5'10", and roughly 150lbs. I have never owned/barely rode a dirt bike before so I want something that wont be too crazy, but its more important that it can get me from place to place.

So, I ask you all: What do you think is the best option given the information I posted, preferably with cost efficiency in mind?
This is not a bad choice at all for a starter bike. You should be tall enough to handle the seat height.

All of the major Japanese brands will be comparable in price, quality, and performance. Any differences in performance can be made up by a skilled rider. Besides, performance should be the last thing that a complete novice like you should be concerned about.

The first thing you must consider is that just about any answer you will get to a question like this will be based more on brand loyalty than actual facts. A person will almost always suggest the brand bike that they ride. So recommend anything else would be somehow admitting that they made a poor choice when they bought their bike. Something to consider.

I have one suggestion. Find a good used bike for your first bike. Learn on it. Make your mistakes on it. You will make mistakes. Most new riders will drop their first bike at least once. So ask yourself this. Which bike would you rather drop? An older used bike. Or a nice shiny expensive new bike.

After a year or so you may now feel that it is time to upgrade. If you take care of this used starter bike and don't beat the crap out of it you won't lose much money on it when it comes time to sell. You can then put this money towards the bike you really like. Even a nice shiny new Dual Sport bike if this is what turns you on.

The very first thing you need to do is to get yourself enrolled in an accredited motorcycle safety course. Most can provide you with a loaner bike if you do not own a motorcycle yet. Keep an open mind while taking the course. You just might learn something that can save your life some day. This is mandatory in some areas. But even if it is not mandatory, it is money well spent.

Ride Safe - Have Fun

Always remember this. On a motorcycle stupid hurts.