Biking Advice: Will I have time?


May 15, 2008
I'm not a beginner biker, I used to be good.
However, now I gained pounds and its been a while.-_-

Do you think someone who is fat can bike 5-5.5 miles in 30 minutes if a beginner?

I want to loose weight and with my busy life its hard. But getting to school by biking, instead of driving, will help. But I need to be somewhere by 4 so getting home at 3:40 is sort of a must (so I can then take my car there).
I smell a dead Carp (fish). If you are NOT a "beginner biker" - you would know the answer.

Using the Speed - Distance - Time Calculator linked below, even a quick look shows that at a leisurely 10 mph pace, it would take 33 minutes.

BTW...the proper term is "cyclist" not "biker". Biker usually refers to motorcycles. Dead give-away to the fact you are indeed a beginner.