Blackberry Storm Question?


May 15, 2008
What do you all think about a Blackberry Storm? I have a EnV 3 right now and I only use it for texting and calls. With the Storm, do I HAVE to have internet on it? Or will the Verizon Company let me stick with just unlimited texting and calls? Does anyone know? Also, any additional information about this phone would be appreciated! Thank you :)
Hi, years ago I have had this model and answer to your question with best memories:

- Yes internet on it but 3G not LTE,
- about plan depends of how you will buy it, which Verizon Plan? Depends of your choice,

After Storm I have used 3 others BlackBerry and my consideration are if you need big touch screen ok Storm or Storm II are only BB with this specific but if you send miles and miles messages all mounth is better BB with keyboard, its something "special" and very beautiful tap on a BB Keyboard it's one thing that now that I use Android I really miss