Books about the fashion industry? What would you recommend?


New member
Mar 1, 2008
I'm going to Barnes & Noble today and I'm wanting to buy a book on fashion/the fashion industry. What would you recommend?

"FASHION: 150 Years of Couturiers, Designers, Labels" Seems interesting, just so darn expensive.
"The Teen Vogue Handbook" also seems cool!

Really, I'm wanting to get myself started into the fashion industry, and would like to learn more. And there are so many books, I can't choose!
One of my favorites for helping you get into the business and full of info on how to do it is the book "Fashion Design Course: Principles, Practice, and Techniques- A Practical Guide for Aspiring Fashion Designers" by Steven Faerm. it is sold at B&N.
Go on Amazon and search "Fashion Industry" And like 13000 books will come up. If you click on one on one of the first few pages it will show you what people who bought it also bought or reviews :)
How about that Lauren Conrad book, I think it's called "Style." I'm not sure though.
I read the Teen Vogue Handbook, and it was pretty good. Lots of pictures and recommendations of clothing!
I have the teen vogue handbook from the school library so you should check there before buying it
Get the basics first:
If you want to get into Fashion the best way to go about it is channeling the past. Try "Adorned in Dreams" by Elizabeth Wilson.