Boyfriend won't accept my faith.. Judaism..?


New member
Mar 9, 2011
The person I'm with always become hostile when I talk about my faith- Judaism.. We've spoke about having children.. and.. the minute I mention Judaism and kids in the same sentence.. I'm told I can't teach them about it.. and.. we planned to start our own private academy as a career.. and when I asked if part of it could have a Jewish ethos.. I'm met with hostility again.. and even when I mention something about Judaism.. he never wants to listen to me.. why do I feel that a part of me, what i believe is being pushed out? :/
Not necessarily convert.. just.. accept and not be so hostile :'|
Aaand I wanna stay miles away from Christianity.. don't believe it for a second. Jesus is not the Messiah
It doesn't sound like you want him to simply "respect" your beliefs, you want him to agree with them or at least do things your way. You sound religious, and if he's not then you two just aren't meant to be unless one of you is willing to give, if my boyfriend was religious and insisted on say, raising our children in his faith I'd flat out say no...
I support your religion. I accept your religion. Our children can choose their religion themselves! But i don't accept it when you wont stop trying to push me into being a Jew aswell. When you're insisting our children should be brought up as Jewish. It's YOUR belief. So keep it to yourself. Stop forcing it upon everyone else. I suggest you get your story right Jack.
I think you understand what your BF is saying. I agree with him. You must be very attractive, very rich or your daddy owns a liquor store for a man who is not religious to deal with religion at all. If you brought religion into our relationship I would want to kick you to the curb. Your belief???? What you believe??? If you believe a lie isn't it best you lose it? Has your belief earned respect? That is the only way it can get some respect from me.
Well, It was your choice to make up a relationship with a guy opposite in your belief.
Find a way yourself to convince him or else stay away from further contact with him.

Your faith is more important than him
He will not be the one that should answer God on the judgment day.
God will question you and your faith,
So do anything to protect your faith.
I don't suppose you are Messianic. If this is a Christian you are marrying something is wrong. You are going to be unequally yoked with an unbeliever one way or the other. Why start out a marriage with an unresolved issues as important as salvation?
give him the elbow,there are plenty of others out there ,if you don't then you will have a very miserable life