Burton Day Hiker 12L Backpack Watercolor ? Where can I buy this specific...


New member
Oct 22, 2010
...backpack are you selling it? Here is a photo of it:

Burton Day Hiker 12L Backpack Watercolor, it is black and plain white
and has paint splatter looking things on it, I have checked all of the stores for this specific
backpack that would have it and none of the stores had it, so I am resorting to purchasing this off the internet, I live in canada
I have looked everywhere I can on the internet for it but I cannot find a store that will ship it out
of the u.s, so I am wondering if anyone knows a site where I could buy this, or if you are selling one, thank you
** please note that I am seeking this specific backpack in the picture. no advertising other ones please.