calling all astrologers or psychics only! wat can u tell me about my future due 2...


New member
Aug 3, 2009
1 birthchart?


wat can u tell me about future friendships, love, and luck?
Learn how to read your own chart. Generate one on astrologyweekly, or do it by hand, stop being lazy.
BABS the monkey, HeidiT, Richard the Lionheart, TBAR and LeftT are all the same old farty person.

You will notice that he'll answer his own questions, and often will vote multiple times for his own answer with multiple accounts, which is unfair to other people. If he receives one TD he will quickly log into his other accounts, TD the person he suspects of TDing him, and then TU himself multiple times to give the appearance that others approve of him.

All he can tell you about is printers, trying to become a member of the under 13 club on To Catch a Predator, and how tries to manipulate everyone by playing ****** up games. He trolls in multiple sections. Beware.
. He sits and trolls in the back ground like he's some kind of puppet master, but he's really just a lame *** dick whose envious of POINTS.

When that doesn't get him any attention, he spends all day stirring up **** with fake troll accounts. All because he can't ******* STAND having someone who's in his turf and who challenges him.

Then he cries to his little weak minded contact Im being picked on and gets them to do his dirty work because hes not big enough to do it himself.

He does it to everyone until he runs them off. This is just one that doensn't want to leave, and he's being a bully and UNFAIR, so much NOT decent person.
Any good astrologer will tell you, you CAN'T tell the future from astrology. You just can't. Stop relying on it for love luck, friendships, and all that other stuff you suck in. Take control of your life, and don't live it by what some idiot on Yahoo!Answers says.