Can 20 week scan give wrong gender prediction?


New member
Jul 2, 2010
Hi there,

A few weeks ago I had a 20 week anomoly scan at 21 weeks and was told that I was 'definitely' having a boy. I was so, so, so shocked! I have really, really struggled to get my head around this ever since. You see I have always felt so sure that I was having a girl. Everyone I know said this too, including some people who say that are psychic! I dream I am having a girl and just can't seem to accept that I'm having a boy. Has this happened to anyone else? Can scans be wrong? Please help, I'm really upset by all of this.
i got told at 17 weeks that baby might be a boy but found out at 20 it was defo a girl couldnt tell first time as legs were crossed but its much easier to tell its boy x
I know a girl that was told she was having a boy 3 times and the baby came out a boy, so scans can be wrong. But they are often right. They were with my two babies. And your probably just upset bc you were getting exited about having a girl ( I did the same thing with my son). What helped me was finding a name for him and once I had a sweet name for him (Wyley), I just loved him so much and was exited about having a boy. He is now 20 months old and is such a sweet heart and I cant imagine not having such a great little boy. So dont worry you'll be happy about your boy soon enough!
This is an actual type of problem. There is a word for it. People get really depressed when they are having a different gender then what there heart is longing for. You still have a while yet to get used to the idea of a cute little guy running around. I know its tough but I swear once you see him you wont be able to imagine him being a girl. I feel that babies are in heaven and they pick there parents so he wants you, you have to want him too and you will. Give it time and I know you will fall in love. In the mean time go buy his outfit to come home from the hospital and that will be fun. I didn't go through this but I wanted a girl so bad and thats what god gave me, but I would have been crushed if she would have been a boy. I was so depressed even thinking about having a boy. So I can really understand what you are going through.
It's possible they could be wrong, but it's hard to mistake a boy. My cousin was supposed to be a girl and when he was born, he was certainly not a girl. Either way, if the baby is healthy then it shouldn't matter about the gender. Just love him.
Yes, scans can be wrong..but with boys, its less likely it was mistaken. I'm sure you will get used to the fact its a boy. I've never known anyone that had a girl but was told it was a boy..I've seen many "girls" that were in fact boys though.. Be happy with the fact that you made it past 20 weeks. :D