Can a christian and agnostic make it together?


New member
Nov 23, 2009
My girlfriend and I have been together for over a year now, and very recently we got engaged. We have just about everything in common with the same interests, same sense of humor, and ontop of being completely in love we're also each other's best friend. It's a fantastic relationship thus far that neither of us can imagine parting from.. however..

She's a very dedicated Christian, and I'm a passive "spiritual" agnostic. She firmly believes in Christ and the teachings of the Bible while I believe all is possible, and everyone with a good heart will find salvation. She believes there is only one way, one God.. I believe that the millions of people around the world who chose a different path are also part of God's plan, and there is no wrong path if the path is walked with good intentions.

I respect her views and thoughts, and I even attend her church most Sundays. However she does not seem to respect my views and for as much as I stay positive about the situation, and respect what she believes, I can't help but get upset sometimes when I am criticized. What can I do to help remedy this?
i can tell you why shes not accepting of your faith-or lack there of-
you just got engaged... shes already got your kids planned out in her mind.... shes already thinking about being a mom.
im sure she wants her kids to have her belief in god...god is good for kids,kinda teaching the whole right from wrong thing and the ability to make good choices- even if they are freightened into it by hearing they could burn in hell for an eternity and that some dead dude(jesus) is out there...
since you are the more logical one it would be up to you to compromise and choose not to fight about that issue. It would be best if both of you would agree to disagree and not talk about religion unless she is contanty putting it in your face. If you love each other enough she should repect you not to try to convert you. I agree with the previous poster that kids may be a rocky issue.
First off, you're not an agnostic. You're a Deist. You are very deeply contaminated by religion and religious ideas which do not merit the concessions of respect that you have just paid in the details of this question.
Remember, Jesus Christ preached love and understanding and those are major tenets of Christianity. Not much of an answer but I hope this helps.
depends. If the two people are respectful and open to each others views, then yes, I see no problem in it working.
Well, I am going to tell you something that you may forget to pass on to her, but I would appreciate it if you do try to remember. It is very important to her as a christian to another christian. Please tell her to read this verse in her bible...2nd Corinthians 6:14-17. Thank you. If she doesn't understand what it means, she can get on this website and refresh my memories and I will explain it to her. Thank you so much.
Relationships are 2-way, if you love her then you need to be honest with her and tell her how you feel. Respect should be mutual and religion should not interfere with relationships.