Can a road bike reach 80km/h ...?


New member
Oct 28, 2009
once i was going down on a road like 7% and i was going to fast in the 14th speed the road was straight,the bike weight's 12.5 kg at that time I weight 65 kg it was at the begging of the summer and i think that i was going at a speed more then 80 km/h but my friends wont believe me so is it possible to go 80 km/h with these stats
Can a road bike reach 80km/h ...?


once i was going down on a road like 7% and i was going to fast in the 14th speed the road was straight,the bike weight's 12.5 kg at that time I weight 65 kg it was at the begging of the summer and i think

==based on what?

that i was going at a speed more then 80 km/h but my friends wont believe me so is it possible to go 80 km/h with these stats

==doubt it
not at 7%
maybe if you also had a 40 mph tailwind
or the grade was like 12% for a mile or so

==one problem with your story: " i was going to fast in the 14th speed " - that wouldn;t matter, about 50kph or 60 is as fast as you can pedal

Yes, it's possible. I've hit 53mph (85.3kph) down a stretch of hill (about 8%, half mile long) near my house. But it would be difficult to reach those speeds by just pedaling, the gearing on most bikes just isn't high enough unless you could maintain a 150+ cadence. You would have to be in a good aerodynamic tuck to reach anything over about 60-65kph. There are times in the Tour de France and other pro races when they approach 100kph.
Yes, it is possible for a VERY short period of time. If you were still able to pedal, then no, you weren't going that fast. If you weren't in a full crouch position you weren't going that fast.