Can Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon be used in replacement of Machina Force in...


New member
Oct 15, 2011
...a Machina Gadget Deck? No stupid answers like "lol do people still play yugioh?" seriously, that ticks me off.
so in opinion which do you prefer in this sort of deck?
Indeed it can.

Competitive Machina decks do not actually use Machina Force to attack, but rather they search it out with Gearframe and only use it as a discard in order to special summon Machina Fortress from the hand/grave. AGGD serves the same purpose in the sense that its level enables it to be as useful when you need something to discard for Fortress' effect.

Machina Force
-- Searchable, but cannot attack

Gear Dragon
-- Not searchable, but can attack
i would think so

it doesnt require you to have 4 specific monsters on the field, it only requires 3 tributes. none if you can special summon it by destroy geartown and using its effect

by destroying geartown you can special summon AGGD without tributes and that can be very useful when in a bind

machina force although has more attack points requires you to pay up 1000 when you attack and that quickly adds up and if you have lower life points makes him effectively useless