Can anyone hepl me with Bit Torrent Downloads?


New member
Sep 25, 2009
Ok, so I just got into torrenting a couple years ago and never really had problems, well i had to format my Hard drive cuz i got bad viruses and i am now back with everything redownloaded, but bit torrent giving me some issues.

For starters, I always get that damn yellow triangle with the "!" at the bottom, but sometimes it goes green.

But the big problem is this: i have 4 torrents going now... if I put them all set to downloading, NONE of them show a download speed, only on occasion does it pop in, BUT if i pause 3 and set one to download then that ones usually goes faster (best I can get is 180k/s with my normal verizon DSL, not Fios). It didnt used to do this at all, and actually only started happening the last couple weeks or so. Normally it'll just split the connectiong between all the torrents I have running, like say give each torrent 40-45k/s speed, but it just makes none download or just very slow until i choose just one to go.

I went to sites about opening ports on my router and whatnot, and it seems like im doing it all right but I cant seem to make it work like it used to. Even before the virus I had it working perfectly and never had a problem. But it will say "downloading" for them, but no speed shows on the download spot and i dont know why. I changed no settings, i tried random ports, i tried the ports i THOUGHT i set right in my router, nothing. Help me if you can, i'd appreciate it! Thank you! Sorry if long, just irritated