can I ask my Christian bf to stop eating pork?


Feb 20, 2008
here's the deal, I want to ask my Christian bf to stop eating pork. We were out once and he ordered pork(I dint mind) but then he offered me some which was really sad since I had told him I am a Muslim and I don't eat pork. Right after few mind I got a severe stomach ache and had to hospitalized. I dunno y I got sick, considering many of my friends eat pork when I am out with them and I feel fine, not disgusted at all. Anyways the next day he was very sweet and he ordered some beef sandwich and offered me some but I was a wee bit paranoid and said no, anyways he mentioned to me abt the idea of us gettin married and I set some conditions that he must go back to school- which he agreed and now I want to ask him to stop eating pork for me- if he wants to get married. Am I being selfish? Coz he's a quite a catch and I don't want to lose him:(
Dont be so rude as to ask him to give something up that he loves. You should give up something you say you love, HIM.
I don't think it's a huge deal to ask him to refrain from eating pork, but don't force him. Are you okay with him eating it if you're not with him? If he really loves it, maybe you can compromise?

I don't particularly like pork (my grandmother was/is an awful cook and dried it out one too many times) so if it was me, I could give it up with no problem. If it's a big deal for him, compromise. If he doesn't care, then there's no reason why you shouldn't ask him.

Good luck with the marriage :)
The real question is, is there really a meeting of minds between you? If your faith and his faith are meaningful to you, they may lead you in different directions. Will you be able to deal with that if you marry? How would you raise your children?
For you? Your typical woman. Lady don't get married because all you are going to do is make his life ad living hell. Jesus said it's not what goes into a body that defiles a person but what comes out of the body that defiles it. If your man wants to eat pork LET HIM.
How would you like it if he ask you to give up something you like, You know like wanting to be in control of his life. Would you like it?
If you marry this guy, you will be divorce in less then five years. You're dating and already trying to control your man.
So, as a Muslim, you are not OK with eating pork, but very cool with having not only a boyfriend, which is not allowed according to Islamic belief, but also a Christian bf?
Something is missing to me here.
One should dress to please others
But should eat to please himself......

try to do this little adjustment....
I don't think you can try to make him give up pork. If it's an issue for you than you should talk to him about it. If you tell him that it bothers you he may handle it on his own without you having to make demands. If he asked you to marry him than he clearly cares a lot about you. Let him now exactly how you feel. I think you two can figure something out together.
Mila, as I read your question, I cannot help but think that you should not get married because you do not love him! You say: he is quite a catch; I don't want to lose him! Surely, it would be: I love him so I don't want to lose him?!

You can always ask, but cannot make demands and if he says no, then you have to accept that. But equally, he has no right to push meat on you if he knows you do not eat it!

I honestly feel that you are making big mistake if you go ahead and marry him. I think you really have to think deeply the reasons why you want to marry because I do not think it is for love.

I am sorry if I sound harsh, but I do not want you to get into a situation that you cannot get out of.
If you are a Muslim you are not a devoted one if you want a long relationship with a Christian. You might as well eat pork