can i develop android apps effectively even though i have an iphone and...


New member
Sep 16, 2008
...develop iOS apps using objective-C ? i know objective C and i develop iphone apps which i test on my iphone for any bugs as such.

i know java as well so i can very much develop android apps BUT

i don't have an android and i dont want to borrow an android everytime i want to test an app that i develop.

so does the android SDK help me in that regard to test the app exactly like it appears on an android?

if it does not,is there any other way i can run the app exactly like it runs on an android without having an android?

thanks =)
thanks,but will the apps run exactly the same way like it will on an android?
You should be able to search around on the Internet for an Android Emulator and you can select that to be what your program opens up with.