Can I leave my son's bike outside?


New member
Sep 9, 2008
We don't have a shed put up yet, as there is still some snow on the ground. So I was wondering if it's okay to leave the bike out..will it be okay? Or would rain damage it? We were keeping it in his room, but now that it's getting nicer out, we are going to be outside alot more.
thank you waiting for baby bella! i completely forgot about the porch..I think I'll leave it under there.
I live in the middle of nowhere, believe me nobody is going to take this little bike
poor weather could damage it, cause the metal parts to rust... you could try bringing it in when bad weather is expected... or maybe buy a tarp to cover it at night
sure if you lock it up and if u are in a pretty decent place. and i wouldn't though at all cause when ut rain the chain on the bike and all..
If its anything like my boys mountain bikes, rain and water always get in the brake cables and gear changers and they finally require replacing. One of my boys bikes the material on the seat was even destroyed as well.
Like any good machine, it is best kept under cover.
(Connie Mom of 4 boys and 4 bikes.)
It will still rust under the porch. Dampness is dampness. It is damp under your porch. Probably damper than on the porch because there is no sunlight to dry up the ground.

No, it is not okay to keep it outside. Not only for reasons relating to rust and care but to protect it from theft. You do not want to have to explain to him that someone stole it.

It only takes a few minutes to bring it out and bring it in. Certainly he is worth that time.
NO !!1

It's ruin the brakes, suspension, chain...

Sorry. I love my mountain bike, and bikes outside over a long period of time are nothing short of bleeding dangerous.

It affects the brakes and the handling.

Just keep it out of extremes, and preferable in a garage.