Can Religion (Judism Islam, Christianity) survive internet?


New member
Jun 13, 2009
Do you believe religion can survive the internet where children have access to facts regarding their faith?
@cupcake; yes there wil always be some, perhaps 15-20% is my guess.
She said: In the sixties, acquiring material which stated facts regarding research was nearly impossible. Today college material and research papers from theology students and professors is available on internet. Books such as Russell Gmirkin's "Berossus Genesis and Manetho Exodus which indicates Genesis was derived from the Babylonians and Exodus from Egyptian material was unavailable, Not only that but such material was repressed and not carried in libraries or stores. Today you can read most of the expensive scholarly work on internet for free.
@Katriona: Religion did give people support, yes, like when about half the population of France was murdered, women children and old peopole for believing Jesus came to free the world from the evil Gods of the physical universe. (Edict by Pope Innocent III, 1208) Witch burnings was also a great support for not to mention the crusades and t5oday's laws based on fables and myths instead of reality.
@ Yes Pugjv; when people learn that Revelation was material written as a prophesy of what would happen when Rome sacked Jerusalem about 68 CE and how it failed then, why would they think it has any meaning today?
@Lex: You are correct aboout people living in a fantasy world; it was described best by Plato 2500 years ago in "The Republic VII" but you are not there, you have discovered the real world. With internet more and more people will discover the real world. Religion, which is held in place because crooked politicians like Mitt know they only have power over people that live in a fantasy world will loose. Once you escape the cave of ignorance there is no going back!