Can you help me find this Harry Potter fanfiction?


Jun 18, 2008
A while back (years) I down loaded what I think was year 6 & 7 maybe? Of Alternative books. One thing I remember was Harry married Ginny and Harry's annimagus was a Pheonix. And what was so cool is Harry had so much more power that he'd tapped into like doing silent spells only having to touch his wand. He could go back in time. And some how each person could link to another person. Harry was linked to Hermonie. And there was a time when it was 9/11 and Harry tried saving a few people (because he could stop time) but this was bad because some of the people had called family saying good bye and then they had these messages but only Harry had removed them from the towers and gave them new memories.

I cant remember everything, this is really choppy but does any of this ring a bell? By the way I downloaded them in pdf forrmat.

Very large play on love in these books.