Carnival Cruise Club O2?


Active member
May 12, 2008
Hi, I have read that you must be ages between 15-17 to be able to enter club O2. I would like to be able to, but I'm only 14. I will be turning 15 in November. I am in High School and I will become a Sophomore in August 2013. (Cruise is during June) Do you think I can join this club? I'm pretty sure I'm mature enough, after all my class mates are between the ages 15-16.
As roofing said, they know your age, and enforce groups. However, a lot of kids do things outside of the clubs. My kids weren't keen on them, so they would go the first night, sign up in case there was something interesting, then hang out near the back. They would find a couple other rotten kids and hang out with them all week. Now they are 16 and 18 and would rather hang with adults anyway, so they didn't go to the club last time.
No. They're generally pretty strict about the age groups, especially during the summer when there are a LOT of kids onboard. And they'll know how old you are from your cruise reservation paperwork, so trying to lie about it doesn't work.
And what kid DOESN'T claim he's mature for his age? I understand where you're coming from, I was a 14 year old sophomore as well, but it doesn't change the fact that you're still only 14.