Chick-fil-a gets rammed for its anti-homo remarks, and has a branch blocked from

Eat at Chik Fil A and boycott Chicago, Boston, San Francisco and all other cities whose mayors are against free speech.

These liberals are for free speech as long as you agree with them!

All animals are created equal ------ but some are more equal than others.

Why did these bastards not attack Barack Obama with the same vengence, who, until just a few weeks ago, had the same view????

Is this part of the socialism/communism of Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel?

Remember that a government that can do everything for you can do anything TO you - including taking away your free speech!!

Bigot - person who says you can't come to my town if you don't agree with me.
Hypocrite - person who calls for tolerance for his beliefs from others but is intolerant himself.
I'm sure other fast food chains can pick up the market share. It's not as if Chick-fil-a's food is so uniquely wonderful that people would have spent extra money solely to partake of their offerings.
It's happening BECAUSE it's America.

The reps tried to slam the Dixie Chicks out of a job when they said something unpopular about GWB/Texas.

But here's a difference:

The chick fil a owner has donated over $5 mill to various anti-gay causes including one radical source calling for their (gays) "removal" f/ the US.
Yes, the last thing libs care about is jobs or freedom of thought and expression.

The social agenda trumps everything.
Um... funny how this happens in an election year so you can pretend like you actually care about business being refused permits to open.

This happens all the time. Walmart has been banned from certain cities. Why do you think there are countless cities that don't allow strip clubs.

In my hometown of Livonia, MI, they stopped a Hooters from opening.

I don't see anyone standing up for these companies... so why for chick-fil-a? If you really cared about this issue and not just fueling the partisan debate then you would've been crusading for strip clubs and hooters years ago.