christians how would you feel if someone added another testament to your...


New member
Mar 5, 2011
0 that contradicted the original? What if someone took your religion added some stuff to it and started to say you were in the wrong. You had the general idea correct but not completely and now are doomed to a life of hell? Because it sounds like what you people did to the jews. I mean who else would know better about their own prophecies than the people who created them in regards to jesus being their messiah.
I will be amused, not by the guy but by your presumptuousness. The enemies of Christ have been doing that for centuries but the real Christian will always know Christ's voice from his enemies.
People are always trying to add to the bible, claiming we should have included this book or that book. Then there are the mormons with their "another testament of Jesus Christ".

The fact of the matter is, God is the author of the bible. Jewish men, inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrote what is known as the New Testament.
Who ever added that is walking on dangerous ground.
God warns us not to do that so it wont happen
Jesus was definitely the Divine Messenger. He said a lot of great things. It's the asshole Christians who twist his words around to condemn everybody and then they blaspheme by worshipping Jesus in the place of God. Even on here, the idiots say Jesus is God. Jesus would smack them, if he wasn't dead. But God is alive, maybe He will smack them.
I do hope you understand that some of us Christians place our faith in Jesus as Messiah, not in the Bible being 100% the word of GOD. I am a devout believer that Jesus is the messiah but believe the Bible is not 100% divine. In fact, I believe it is safe to say that there were divinely inspired writings out there that were left out of the modern Bible, for whatever reason. Of course thats just my opinion.
The Mormons have tried that.
The Muslims have tried that.
We ignore their extra books and share Christ with them from what is held in common. .