Christians- on a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you with your religion today?


New member
Nov 17, 2011
Please give an honest assessment, as these answers will be used for a higher purpose than your own amusement.
Blessings to all. 100 % Because God is real and he is also love. I get blessed every time I read the Word of God. I feel spiritually stronger and more powerful after I've read it. It charges me up; it's like a spiritual workout. Why is that? It's because I've been meeting with God. Have you left a meeting of God's people feeling full of joy? That is the Holy Spirit. By being in God's presence you have become filled with his Spirit. Luke 10:21 says: 'At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said…'

One of the effects of being filled with God's Spirit is a feeling of joy—an inexpressible and glorious joy that passes all understanding (1 Peter 1:8–9). When a person is filled with the Spirit their countenance can change. Moses went up a mountain and spent forty days and nights with God and when he came down his face was radiant; it was shining brightly, and yet he was unaware of it (Exodus 34:29).

God is spirit (John 4:24), and having spent time in God's presence, his Spirit had been imparted to him and had produced a visible change in him.

Similarly, when the members of the Sanhedrin looked at Stephen, they saw that his face was like the face of an angel: it too was shining brightly (Acts 6:15). Acts 7:55 tells us why that was so. His face was shining brightly because he was full of the Spirit.

The Word of God is living and active (Hebrews 4:12); it's the living word of the living God. It's anointed. And when we read it, some of its anointing—some of God's power and presence—is imparted to us. We can ask God to fill us with his Spirit, but there are things we can do that can help us to be filled. Anything we do that brings us closer to God will result in his Spirit being imparted to us in some measure, When Christians are filled with the Spirit they can glow; there's something about them that makes them look different. It's particularly noticeable to unbelievers, but they don't know what it is. That 'something' is the presence of God radiating from the person.

It's impossible for anyone to read the Word of God without being affected by it. Even unbelievers will be affected in some way because God is speaking to them through it. As they read, the seed of God's Word is being sown into their hearts (Luke 8:11).
awesome question, thanks for your post.

I believe in many things in Christianity, but it amazes me how different Christians are from Christ. Sure only Christ is perfect and we are not, but if our faith is centered around Christ, shouldn't our behaviors and actions reflect His nature?
If by religion you mean what is portrayed in the media today: 5.

If by religion you mean what I practice, what I meditate on, and my relationship with God: 10.

I'm not happy with religion at all today...

as a matter of fact, neither was Jesus when he walked the earth...

It was the most RELIGIOUS people of his time (pharisees) that had him crucified....

Jesus is more concerned with a RELATIONSHIP than he is with RELIGION

religion is nothing more than man's attempt to please God