Christians, who are you to decide who is a "real" christian, and who isn't?


New member
Oct 3, 2011
it seems any christan who has a slightly different interpretation of the Bible then yours, is not a "real" Christian

a Christian accepts Evolution... not a "real" Christian
a Christian doesn't accept Trinitian Dogma... not a "real" Christian
a Christian your apocalyptic prophesies...not a "real" Christian
a Christian accepts women right to do abortions... not a "real" Christian

who are you to decide what is the only correct interpretation of the Bible?
you are just humans like any one else, your not gods?
A real christian is a person who believes in Jesus Christ as his/her Lord and Savior. Once you do that, the rest will follow.
umm for the most part you've listed things that EXPRESSLY go against the word of God. and who are we? we are the blood bought church, we are the joint heirs with Christ, we bear His Spirit and we discern between right and wrong.
Because they have to maneuver around the fact that God didn't mean 40,000 different conflicting things.

Theists who carry certainty are such a joke.