Computer programming gurus , humor me for ten points !!?


New member
Mar 27, 2012
Hello! My question in a nutshell is , how can someone who is middle aged , and studied and graduated in a major that is not related at all to computer science, get to the level of knowledge that would allow them to be able to make programs for Iphone , Android and Symbian platforms , and maybe also program games? I have no formal education in programing beyond a few commands I learned as a child in Basic language , when computers had to be connected to a TV and programs were stored on cassettes !! However I feel smart enough . Basically what Im looking for is a list of readings or textbooks that would give me a comprehensive understanding of programming eg what languages do I need ? what should I start with ? what level of math do I need to know? Ten points and my sincere gratitude for the best answer(er) !