Cons whine about debt but keep voting for the same people(R) who caused


New member
Jan 22, 2011
95%of our 14 trillion dollar debt, why? Were they just born stupid?
did you miss the last election.and i understand your slow and all but how is 4.9 trillion 95% of 14. i think you suffer that liberal dissonance
Where did the "95%" figure come from? $4bln out of the current debt of $14bln is the doing of Obama and his Democratic cohorts in (the now "shellacked") Congress.
That's kind of impressive really.. since Obama alone is responsible for 21.4% of our debt.

It's like all these low IQ liberals set out to intentionally make themselves look like idiots with these posts..
The stupid oneds are libtards.


'FDR was a communist , a fascist and a Marxism, and caused the stock market crash of '29, the Great Depression, and got us into an unjust war (with Germany). The New Deal policies were oure Mraxist fascism, FDR sent Japs to death camps, and FDR refused to leave office.

Truman was also a communist, and got us into the Korean war, and left a massive debt for Eisenhower to clean up

JFK and LBJ were communists and marxists, and ran up massive debts and shredded the constitution. They plunged us into war in Vietnam, and forced the uunconstitutional Civil Rigths act, that opened the floodgate for Black panthers, queers, and communists to shred the Constitution.

Nixon was left to clean up the massive debts and war left by LBJ

Carter caused a massive inflation and weakened our military, and left his massive debt to Reagan

Reagan balanced the budget, but once Clinton took over, ran up massive debts and turned a blind eye to terrorism. Clinton blocked Republican desires to go after Osama Bin laden. Clinton left GW bush a legacy of 9/11, and a crippling debt

GW Bush was left to deal with Clinton's deficits and 9/11. Clinton's 9/11 and the treasonous behaviour of the liberal media

Obama has racked up the largest debt ever, launched wars in iraq and Afghanistan, and the Patriot Act.

So it seems to me Republicans have ALWAYS been the ones to clean up the mess left ny the Democraps.
I don't get why anyone complains about debt when spending was what economic advisers recommended. I seem to recall them saying the stimulus wasn't quite enough. McCain would have either done the same thing as Obama.or ignored their advice and put us into a deeper recession/depression.
The national debt as of Jan 2008 was a little over $10 trillion. Obama has added over $4 trillion (40% increase) in a matter of just 2 years.
Either they are all joined at the hip, or insane for doing the same thing repeatedly, while convincing us that this time, more will change.
So the democrat congress we have had since 07 and Obama are only to blame for 5% of it? Wow how do you like living in denial?