Conservatives, if Obama hasn't brought any change then why are you complaining?


Jun 11, 2008
Judging from what I read on these boards, Obama has brought no change. Which means that he is still doing the same things Bush has done. And as Conservatives were in favor of Bush, then why the double standard?
He IS making changes. He is increasing govt. power over business and individuals.
I don't like it.
And I don't like what I see ahead.

They were declaring him a failure the moment he took the oath.

There will be little he can do to please them, and that is why he has given up engaging them.
Please, do not blame the true conservatives for these unfounded complaints. We voted for the Democrats this time because the wastrels in the Republican party promised to continue their profligate lifestyle.

It is important to recognize that the traditionally conservative Republican party has been taken over from within by a cadre of Christian fascists who have no actual belief in democracy or fiscal responsibility. Their complaints are rooted in their desire to force us all to live according to their standards no matter who gets hurt.

These extremists differ from Al Qaeda only on the surface. The jihadists attack innocents in Tel Aviv and New York while the crusaders attack them in Iraq and Afghanistan. The agenda of thought control is identical underneath the rhetoric.

Conservatives must oppose that kind of obscenity as strongly as liberals do. This is why Obama is President today. Conservatives want change, too. Corporate oligarchy and fundamentalist zealotry cannot be tolerated.
Because his lack of change consists of spending a but load of money we don't have on programs we don't need. His same 'ol, same 'ol spending has to be paid for by someone and that's you and me, my friend.
Lots of my Repub friends are griping about President Obama's first days in office. I ask them what would be different if McCain was elected? Nobody can be expected to change this death spiral in such a short time period it's going to take sacrifice, critical thinking and team work across our country. Do your part work, pay taxes, maintain savings, recycle, reuse and renew. America we can reverse the damage of the last 8 years.
We all knew that his change meant nothing to begin with! Idiots voted for a man that said change and hope is coming and it shows how ignorant half of our country is. You need to probably educate yourself too!!
He has brought changes just not the changes he promised.

His changes are out of control pork barrel spending, freeing of terrorists at GITMO and a weakening of America's position both internationally and domestically
I will be very interested in seeing how conservatives respond to this.

If Obama doesn't bring about any change, then things will be as they were after a Republican administration. That should be something which they favor.