Could I be a high fashion model? Please answer! :)?


May 22, 2008
Hello I'm 13 years old and I have been told by numerous amount of people that I should be a high fashion/runway model. I was never interested in fashion or modeling until a couple of weeks ago... It seems pretty different then other jobs! My measurements are 30/23.1/33 and my height is 178cm and my weight is 54.5kg. I have brown eyes and light brown curly hair ( not frizzy or has volume, it's excerpt like the curls you would want from a curling wond) I have very long and very skinny legs. I don't find skinny legs that attractive I like it when their is more meat but I work with what I have. I have high cheekbones and a square face shape. I have a couple if pimples on my fourhead but not huge things, and alittle but of scars but you can't even see them.
I'm sorry I don't know how to put pictures on here but that's pretty much what I can do!
Maybe it could work right now, but you won't be able to maintain your 13 year old measurments into your twenties. But if you do keep having a model-acceptable body, then maybe. But most models have around a 30-32 on top and I don't think you've finished growing at all, it's better to decide when you're done with the super fast teenage growing