crazy bitch screams that she wants me dead in school!?


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Well, girl seems like u gotta a true problem. I mean i dont think you should throw her in jail or anything being that shes gonna get out and im sure she is gonna do it wayyyy worst then she did before. I mean, OMG it doesnt matter what people say....she's picking and f'ing with you because you were better than her at something..Omg Thats so Hating...Man F her! You can ignore her. She just wants to get you upset and i see you are letting her. The right thing to do is go tell and press charges and all that but the thing is you cant always do that. Your principle isnt gonna be there in college or when you graduate from college, you have to understand. I mean ppl are always gonna talk about you and this girl is Jealous. Thats what jealousy do to ppl. We call jealous people...HATErS...A hater is when you are jealous that someone has something that you dont. I mean forget her and move on...She goes home every nite and think about you...You go home with your friends and have fun,.Youre her problem ,she is not yours! F HER!
warning its long and drama filled but help would be awesome =)
ok im morgan and im a senior. Im pretty chill i never really talk **** or do the drama crap. I stay with my own friends and boy friend and thats it. anyways this ***** ann hates me and always has for pretty much 4 years. ive learned to accept it and move on but shes in all my classes and recently started making fun of me and my make up and my clothes calling me a clown and ****. Well i got mad of course and called her a horse face and fat. kiddy **** i know. it gets better. Well she printed out the conversation i had with my bud about her face and brought it to school to confront me and told me she was going to kill me. So i called her fat as loud as i could and embarrassed her. Shes a good 100 lbs bigger than me. So i went to the office b.c she threatened me and since im a pretty good student and shes a ***** the principles decided to take me up on my satement about her and i said i wanted to press charges and get her arrested for harassment. I have print outs of her telling me on myspace a good MONTH before i said anything about her that she wanted to kill me and she even said she wanted to kill "morgan" i never said "ann has a horse face" i just said wow someone is gross with a horse face. Anyways i dont really want to press the charges b.c i really dont care but some evil little voice is making me want to do it. WHat should i do? be a good person and walk away or ******* throw that ***** in jail.

Additional Details
my middle name is beth =)
she said she wanted to kill me in front of an assistant principle.
Shes hated me since freshman year b.c i took the starting spot she wanted on the vollyball team

also she hasnt hit me and if she ever did she'd probably hurt em bad since shes bigger than me. and to make it worse her bf who she just started dating is friends with mine and now there also starting to not like eachother
get over yourself. you're no better than this girl. So what if she's fat- she can always lose weight. And your face isn't lovely. She doesn't deserve to go to jail- you do- you smelly snob.
wow. thats hard. im sorry you have to go through that. ok. the right thing to do is press charges. but, chances are she will come back. depending on how much of a nutcase she is depends on your actions. if she's a true stalker, that truly deeply hates you(weirdo straitjacket rubber room solitary confinement status)- .press charges, stay close to friends as much as possible. alwayys be with friends in case she tries to pull something crazy/ medium crazy(ADD, ADHD, other disorders) avoid her as much as possible. no retaliation, no nothing . nothing to make her mad. if shes just plain mean- i would just avoid ignore her.shes just a B i T c h (lol. didnt want it to get edited out). let her be insecure her whole life. your above her.
get over yourself. you're no better than this girl. So what if she's fat- she can always lose weight. And your face isn't lovely. She doesn't deserve to go to jail- you do- you smelly snob.
i'd say go for an in between if you can, if you can make it so that she has to go to counseling or something for a while (though the school or whatever) that might be cool because what she's doing is wrong but i think getting the police involved is a little much and it will only make her hate you so much more, maybe get a restraining order?