Crazy Things You Have Done


New member
Feb 20, 2008
I thought this would be an interesting topic, what are some of the most craziest things that you have done and when now thinking back on them your saying to yourself what the hell was i thinking. Here is one i got up inside a highrise building about 52 stories and opend up a hatch door to find myself on a vertical slope with a ladder running down the side of the building, i got on the ladder and went up and down then got back in the door and whent home its only now that i think what the hell was i doing.
Theres nothing that stands out but things i remember when i was a child or even when i first started driving, some of the things ive done i'd step back now and reconsider
I got a tattoo that said karate then spent decades sticking it in the faces of aikido shihans.

regards koyo
When i was younger i swam so far out to sea that i could only just see the shore line then i swam back. CRAZY. What was i thinking.
Although i dont swim too far out i have a habit of nearly drowning on most holidays i go on thinking its a good idea to swim when the waves are really crashing into the shore.

I can swim but aint the strongest
When I was about fourteen, myself along with a cousin went off and got ourselves intentionally lost in the woods at night with nothing but a bottle of water. That turned out to be a ‘what in the hell was I thinking’ moment later on. Actually, I’m irritated just thinking about it at this very moment.

(It would be embarrassing to no end, but I really do wish I had a recording of the dialog that took place between us after about six hours had passed….)
Yeah i know what you mean i have flash backs and night mares. I like to stand on the rocks facing the ocean on a stormy day when the sky is grey and the lightning and thunder are going full force, whats with that? that has got to be crazy yeah.
oh believe me I do crazy when I'm sober...............unfortunatly.
I've thought of one that doesn't carry about 10 - 15 and I'll post it tomorrow.

It's called 'The job interview'
When I was a kid a friend of mine was standing on a ladder to a gas well (500gallons, but it wasn't full thank God!) He was striking matches shaking them out and throwing them in the airholes. After the third or fourht one it exploded violently. I and another friend were knocked back a ways and down. My friend on the well flew through a privacy fence which surrounded the well. The lid came down in pieces. What an idiot.
I was in the Philippines back in the 90's when I was in the Navy and the NPA (New Peoples Army, a anti-American communist faction) had just executed two Air Force guys and dumped their bodies in front of Clark AFB's front gate. So there was a curfew that no American servicemen were to be on the street (off base) after dark but since I had already been to the P.I. a few times I thought "Eh, that don't apply to me I know what I'm doing, plus the bars always stay open 24hrs so I'll just go to one and stay there"
Needless to say since all those bars got their revenue from servicemen and since there were none on the street they all closed. So I was faced with a 30min walk back to base where, if I made I back in one piece, I would be in serious trouble with the Navy.
Fortunately a kindly hooker that worked @ that bar offered to sneak me out the back and down the alley to a nearby hotel (a crappy hotel @ that, there was a dead rat in the toilet)
Anyway when I got back to my ship the next day I was now saying to myself WTF was I thinking!!!
Oh the naivete of youth...
I stood in front of six bikies once and told them to calm down and go home and that they were not welcome inside the club. The strange thing is that they listend to me, but what was i thingking.
one day i was going back home on a school bus and the driver forgot to stop at my stage. the door was open and i jumped while he was driving.. crazy??!!

i was really lucky that i didn't get injured
One time a bunch of kids were jumping off the the gym balcony onto a crash mat.
I had a go and bashed my knee into my face. What a tool.

This is an odd time I was mucking about in the living room.
A metal-work project I'd just done was on the floor.
The project was basically a foot long upright thin metal spike with a balance thing on it.
As I jumped about, the balance thing fell off...I fell off the settee onto the floor and the metal spike passed between my arm and my chest right near my left armpit. A few inches the wrong way and it would have passed through my chest.
Hey ive even stuck i knife in a toaster to get the bread out and did i get a shock, how dumb was that.