Culturally Question: If you had to be a bell pepper person, what kind


New member
Jul 31, 2010
would you want to be? Would you rather be a person who is still humanoid but your body consists of bell pepper like your arm or leg is just one giant, solid pepper form but still leg like or would you rather be made of a bunch of bell peppers all stacked on top of each other and so your body is like a bunch of bell peppers instead of just one giant bell pepper consistency? You know what I mean?

Ok, here is an example.

OPTION A: My arm, like the rest of my body, just happens to be bell pepper.

OPTION B: My arm, like the rest of my body, just happens to be bell peppers.

If you cut my arm length wise with OPTION A you will end up with plenty of slices of bell pepper for your pizza. However, if you choose OPTION B, you will have to pick a few bell peppers that are connected to make up your arm and then slice these but you will still probably have plenty of bell pepper slices for your pizza.

What color bell pepper would you wanna be??? Well??? Which one is it???