did you know hitler was a christian?


New member
Sep 5, 2009
he said it himself numerous times...
Christian definition: little Jesus
do you really think he was a little Jesus. Jesus was a Jew by the way. NO HE WAS NOT A CHRISTIAN

If Hitler had been an atheist, it would have been Christians going in the ovens, not Jews.
He was and has been proven to be atheist. Just used Christianity to trick people.
So, do you believe him? What actions did he perform which validated a Christian lifestyle? Hitler lied.
Yes. He got all his ideas for killing from his favorite book, the holey bible. Homosexuals, handicapped people, all cursed by god found themselves on Hitler's extermination list along with the Jews.

Read Mein Kampf if you don't know about Hitler. Even the swastika came from a church coat of arms.

He even had the blessing of a Pope in his rampage against the Jewish people.

sure he said it, people wouldn't have followed him if he was honest. kind of like a lot of politicians
Yes I did know. Hitler was Christian in much the same way Bush claimed to be a Christian then started a war against all sound judgment that not only killed countless innocent people he also wrecked the economy by starting the war in the same general area that bankrupted the Soviet Union. Smooth move ex-lax.
I'm a Muslim to a Moslem's.

I'm a Christian to the Christian.

I'm a fool to the wise.

Because I gain.
Hitler was an atheist/evolutionist who intended to anihilate Christianity after he had used it to conquer the world.
Hitler signed a political concordant with Pope Pius XII which gained Catholic support for Hitler's efforts.
Once complete, Hitler's own writings expose his true plans to anihilate all religions after he had used them to accomplish his goals.
Every reasonably educated person knows this.
Also, even if Hitler was authentically an avowed Catholic, more than half of Christiandom would still reject him as a "Christian" because Catholics are not true Christians. Catholicism is merely Paganism with Christian iconography and terminology.

- WWI & WWII were both started by Catholic Austrians (Franz Joseph and Adolph Hitler) who were in full political union with the Catholic Church
- Benito Mussolini and Hitler were both confirmed Roman Catholics. Neither excommunicated before or after the Holocaust.
- Others who remained in good standing with the Catholic Church were Joseph Goebbles, Hermann Goering, Heydrich the “Hangman,” Theodor Eike (SS, Dachau), Rudolph Hoess (Auschwitz), Joseph Kramer (Belsen-Belsen), Fanz Stangl (Treblinka), Heinrich Himmler (Gestapo), and Commadant Koch (Buchenwald). These genocidal professional murderers should have been dealt with (1 Tim. 1:2-; 5:20).
Yes, he was an altar boy as a child and had a strict catholic upbringing. When he became chancellor, he signed a concordat with the Vatican and instituted prayer in schools. Even the SS belt buckles were engraved with "god is with us". His book, Mein Kampf, contains numerous references to God and performing the will of the Almighty.

Why, is there some kind of confusion?