Didn't the GOP Chairman get the memo to their internet employees yesterday?


New member
Nov 18, 2008
They realized that by going negative and running a swift boat campaign against such a popular and well liked President, they are simply ruining any chance of having a Candidate win the Next 8 years.
Wait until Obama's stimulus plan fails. He won't be able to run in the next election.
The GOP chairman is not the reason Obama is losing face. People are the ones that are not satisfied with Obama's lies. That is why his popularity is going down the toilet.

If he makes it 2 years without the majority of the public screaming impeachment it will be a miracle. A great number of people are already screaming it.
Recent gallup poll says Obama's favorability right now is about average for any President at this point. His UNfavorability rating, though, is much higher than average.
I must have missed the memo that said I had to put my head up my arse for the next four years and pretend that the great O and his economy busting policies are good. Besides, the chairman does not control me.
Apparently you didn't get this memo.

Lawmakers in both parties question Obama's call to reduce high-income earners' tax deductions for the interest on their house payments and for charitable contributions. Also drawing fire is his proposal to start taxing industries on their greenhouse gas pollution — a move sure to raise consumers' electric rates.

Recent gallup poll says Obama's favorability right now is about average for any President at this point. His UNfavorability rating, though, is much higher than average.
Why would you be compaining about it, since you're a Democrat? Shouldn't that be good news for you? Wouldn't you want that to continue, if it was true?
Why would you be compaining about it, since you're a Democrat? Shouldn't that be good news for you? Wouldn't you want that to continue, if it was true?
Why would you be compaining about it, since you're a Democrat? Shouldn't that be good news for you? Wouldn't you want that to continue, if it was true?
Why would you be compaining about it, since you're a Democrat? Shouldn't that be good news for you? Wouldn't you want that to continue, if it was true?