Do I have to pay extra if I download the WoW Lich King off the Internet?


Apr 6, 2008
I was able to download Lich King off the WoW official website because my account was made for Lich King. Since I downloaded it off the internet I had to pay for the 5 GB of downloading (my internet provider has a certain limit of downloading space and I passed it by a mile). But, since I downloaded Lich King off the internet, does that mean I have to pay my internet service provider EVERYTIME I play it? Does it count as storage being used since it is downloaded off the internet? I REALLY dont want to pay all that money, someone please help!
NOTE: I am NOT on a trial, I have a regular account. I downloaded the original WoW and Burning Crusade off the official CD Roms. I only downloaded Lich King off the offical WoW site because I didn't have a CD Rom to downloaded Lich King with, and my account was a Lich King account so everything i have done is 100% legal. I just want to know if I have to pay money every time I play WoW.
No, I dont believe that you should ever have to pay that fee again, since all of the data is located on your hard drive now.

-Orcslam (Level 80 Shaman), Frostwolf