do I really have a bad catalytic converter?


New member
Dec 8, 2010
My check engine light came on about 15k miles ago, and had my car put through a diagnostic
test at a nissan dealership. ( I drive a nissan ) Since that time i've had an autozone employee
who hooked it up to a sensor reader tell me it was bad, but today i went to a shop referred by
someone impartial and they checked my O2 sensors and told me that they were "mushroomed"
out and completely gone, indicating a bad CAT. So, 3 different places told me i have a CAT problem.
Trouble is, i have had no power loss. No rattling, and this rotten egg smell everyone tells me about
I don't smell. The only odor i smell is a sour gas type smell that is extremely faint, but i only smell
it in my cab. I can go to the exhaust pipe when the car is fully heated and put my nose within a foot
from the tailpipe and not smell anything odd. Same with under the hood. The guy who checked the sensors was baffled because he said i have 0 symptoms of a bad CAT. I'm not denying that i don't
have a bad converter, but is there such a thing as this just going out over a long period of time.

P.S. The CAT for my sentra spec v se-r costs $2,200, and is ONLY available at a dealership. This
particular CAT is one piece with the manifold and has no aftermarket, so this whole ordeal to replace
everything would cost no less than 3 grand.
Should i just keep driving it?
Please, only respond if you're a knowledgeable mechanic.