Do right-wingers understand that Communism denies all religion and that their...


May 12, 2008
...complaints that Obama is both a? Communist and a Muslim is inherently impossible? Which way do they want it? Do they want to label him a religious Muslim jihadist or a Communist this week, because it can't be both.
Here's a link to the book. If the right is going to complain about it, perhaps they should actually try reading something on the subject. See p. 44.
The Communist Manifesto:
"Communism abolishes all religion."

Where have you people been? Seriously.
The answers from the right just prove yet again that you've never read a single book in your life, have no idea of what constitutes communism, and generally don't have the slightest clue about any of the baseless rhetoric you rant day in and day out.
You need to hit the library, and you need to do it soon. Your understanding is so wrong in so many tragic levels.
Why do you believe that real governments or people, always go by book definitions of what a communist or a radical muslim are supposed to be ?

The communist insurgents in the Philippines are all muslim.

Kind of disputes you point, now doesn't it.
the right makes obama whatever they want him to be to fit their mood. sometimes he is a muslim jihadist...sometimes he is a gay communist...sometimes he is a biracial nazi, sometimes he is a radical leftist. other days he is a member of the elitist new world order. some days he is an uppity black man. somedays he is an effete college educated liberal. somedays he is just a monkey in charge.
the right doesn't have any idea what they are talking about. what is more telling is what they reveal with their name calling. they reveal what boogey men keep them awake at night. the deep rooted fears of the right what are what i find to be quite pathetic.
The media has taught people in both parties that when a person or politician displays the slightest percentage of a belief or action then they must be 100% guilty in full of that entire belief or action.
i really do not know if that is true...
all i am saying is that there are some connections to the old comunist USA party in his past... AND connections with his Czars, AND his personal assisstant Valerie Jarret
Do left-wingers understand that taking from the rich to give to the poor only makes everyone poor in the end?
What I understand is that he is NOT going to be labeled patriotic American and that is what has most people upset about.
No, it does not. Who told you you cannot hold onto your own religious values within communism?

What have you been reading?
They understand nothing. We're in a toilet bowl here. YA is a porta potty for political discussion.