Do you like this plot for a story? (Thriller/Action/Sci-fi/Romance/Gore) set in


New member
Oct 29, 2010
post apocolyptic California.? The story is set in a post-apocalyptic world, the time frame is modern but date’s/year’s are unmentioned. The location is a big city on the coast of California, the city ‘Marshal City’ along with its three divided districts. (The rich area High gate, the middle class area Claremont, and the ghetto area Rowland) are all fictional places, I did my research, there is no Marshal city in California. I chose to set my story in a fictional city because it gives you more freedom.

The story revolves around three separate groups and the people within them. Whenever a new chapter starts or you see a (*) symbol X5, it means that the spotlight is on another group of kids or character.

There are four groups in total.
Group A: Jace Camden’s group, he along with other kids ranging from four to fifteen live at Foodway, a two storey grocery/gardening store, the car park is surrounded by a cement wall, ideal for protection and concealment. Their main goal is to stay alive.
Group B: Blaire Huston’s Group, she leads the juvenile vigilante group, by night they watch the street’s below from their hotel villa in which they stay, by day they hunt infected for entertainment and to eventually rid the world of them, the down side is that they have lost many.
Group C: Aaron Samuel’s group, Aaron and four other’s have been living in a church in Claremont, they collect supplies from the abandoned supermarket and try to stay alive, they’ve had their fair share of grief, loss and violence.
Group D: Finn Parker’s Group, little is known about this group of kids, They reside at BetterBite, a grocery store down the road from Foodway, Jace’s group. Group D are a bunch of feral kids that don’t live by rules and basically live like wild animals, their leader, Fin, is power mad, they are a nuisance and no better than the infected.

Though these groups live in the same city, none of them know that each other exist apart from Group A and Group D that have a rivalry.

The virus was released fifteen years ago, nanotechnology gone wrong. What they thought was a false alarm became detectable 15 years later. The virus was inhaled, stayed in the air for a week then dissolved. Those born after it dissolved weren’t infected. People fifteen years old and younger were uninfected.
When people turned some were immune, if they were immune they were dumb, they went out and attacked the predators, they soon died. The rest that didn’t fight were attacked and eaten by the infected whilst protecting children.
The result was kids ruled the street, gangs were formed, survivors banded together weather they were strong or weak, inhumane or kind. The kids that were ill equip were picked off easily, the rest that were smart lasted. Kids collected weapons from police stations, houses est.

The infected are basically people but they’re not, the virus causes them to loose all rational thoughts, feel no pain, their skin becomes a sickly dark almost purple color because of their changed blood, hair falls out in messy clumps, their stomachs are see through and bruised, the males roar and the females screech, they cant come out in daylight like vampires. They are dumb, but learn quickly, they never forget, they learn from mistakes, have enhanced human abilities and enhanced animal instincts. They have know ability of rational thought, no fear, feel no pain if kicked in the crotch ect. They are 100% new and imporved and de-evolutionized.
and please no body steal my idea.
i dont know if there are books like this out there, but i love writing and im having fun writing this. then again there r heaps of vampire books.
also, would you buy it and do you like the whole consept?
please be honest, im writing it because i feel tha YA books dont have enough raw material. Teens can fall inlove but adults will just scoff at them, we swear, we fight were as most YA authors shy away from that stuff. Most of the people that have read it, teens and adults alike have been left wide eyes and impressed. im not finnished yet, but itll be interesting to see what the internet thinks.
Thnkyou so much for your time.
Katherine A.
haha i know its similar to i am legend, and there are books done like this before, but im hoping that with my writing ill make a new kind of YA book. written by a teen. with more everything. MA15+ If you get me.