Does God like humor more than some people seem to?

Absolutely! In fact, I think one of the things wrong with the world today is so many seem to have Completely lost their sense of humor. I sometimes wonder if there aren't whole Countries where nobody has laughed out loud for years! In fact, there may be whole generations who don't even know what a belly laugh is! In the West, or wherever / whenever people resort to lewdness and cussing for humor, it just tells me that they're reaching desperately for laughs and know they're "losing it."

God, meanwhile, has packed so much sly humor into creation and history and prophecy and even his law that I suspect we're missing about ninety percent of the punch lines. The ruler's in Christ's day caught a bunch of it, you can tell, because they wanted to kill him! One reason we miss most of Jesus' humor is because it was local, or based on Jewish life and customs and the thorough knowledge of Old Testament scriptures that people were expected to have back then. I only came onto this theory of humor myself as I was studying these ancient Jewish customs and started to hear Jesus' words in a new way.

People laugh when they've had a close brush with death and find themselves still alive. They laugh at the unexpected, cute and free. We laugh at inside jokes and double meanings, of which the Bible is loaded. When Jesus comes and the sky is bright with angels and the dead are rising and being united with their families but the people we've loved who've sneered at us and literally threatened to kill us are screaming for mercy and running to hide from their Redeemer and the End of pain, that may just be the funniest moment in history right there. When God "wipes the tears" from our eyes, it may be after we've laughed 'til we cried.
Do you not understand the fact that no gods or devils exist anywhere outside of ones properly brainwashed mind! A PROVEN FACT!!!
There was once a pastor who decided to take a stroll through the woods. After some time, a brown bear notices him and begins chasing after him. The bear was getting closer and closer, and the pastor decided to get on his knees and pray: "Oh, Lord, please make this brown bear a Christian, I beg of you."
This actually worked. The bear mauls the pastor and before tearing up his intestines and eating them, he kneels and prays: "Oh, Lord, please bless this meal I am about to receive..."