Does it bother you when people try to talk to you in riddles expecting your mind to

Yeah, but if they cant be arsed to make themselves understood, i cant be arsed working it out. Develope a good 'wtf did you just say, weirdo' face.
yes my dear that bothers me as well ......

I may use poetry .. but you can understand that at least .. but riddles!?
If you say my name I am no longer there what am I? :D

Sorry lol I usually just stare at them dumb founded like an idiot the answer is silence by the way!
Think of it like this: there are two gargoyles, one of them always tells riddles and the other one always says what they mean, you don't know which one is which but you can only ask one of them one question. What would you ask? Solve this one and two more, and I will let you cross the bridge.