Does it bug you when people don't SPEAK UP for themselves yet whine?


New member
Jan 24, 2011
Sometimes I wish people would stop whining about something and actually say something for themselves... like the other day this kid complained how these people "stole" chairs from his table, his friends' seat, yet he didn't say a thing... I asked him why didn't you speak up?? He flips on me saying they took the chairs too fast, there was no time to say a thing... yada yada and that he could or not say a thing if he wanted to! Then I was thinking why are you COMPLAINING then if you didn't have the balls to say anything and just sit there and complain to his friends who's seats were taken...

Yes I am acquainted with this kid and his friends. But this made me lose so much respect for me, how he flipped on me because it was a to the point question, why didn't you say anything?

Anyone ever feel this way or can relate to my story?
I feel you all. If you only have the guts to say it behind someone's back and not express yourself assertively, you WILL get stepped on... so don't moan about it if you are just taking the cowardly road.
Many people need "assertiveness training." Yeah, what you're describing is what most people are like. They whine and complain. And they talk behind people's backs.