Does it matter what colour ipad mini i get?


Active member
May 13, 2008
im getting an ipad mini for ma bday and i wanted to know if the colour matters
I have one right now, it's what I'm using, well it doesn't effect anything apart from style, all the other techie stuff is the same, I have a black iPad mini and so does my brother, we thought it was easier to get black because it won't show through any like dirt or dents as much as the sliver, I don't know about other colours, but I like black the best:)
Great Question! It actually does matter because the pink, purple and orange ones have an extra GUI setting which allows you to customize the background color of the menu. While the Blue and Red one have an extra option in the songs menu where you can select to search for songs that are similar to the ones you are listening to.

No it actually doesn't matter. Go for the color that you like. They are all the same.