Does leaving on your ps3 destroy your system?


Active member
May 11, 2008
So i've had a ps3 for some time now, and every once in a while i download a BIG game like crysis 3 and im too lazy to sit around and check it to see if it's done. So sometimes i just download it in the background and do the auto shut off thing when downloads complete. But other than that does a general 7 hours of inactivity destroy the system? Just wondering.
You can't really tell. I have seen some posts that say: "Oh yeah I left it on for 2 weeks, nothing bad happened!". Everything degrades at some point. Computers get slow and must be upgraded or replaced. Just like people, they get old and die :D. As a person who cares too much for their electronic possessions, I wouldn't do it but that is what I suggest.