Does the lord of the rings also feels to you like history instead of fantasy.?


Jul 23, 2008
Well as a huge fan of JRR Tolkien, his work feels more to me like history than just mere fantasy like Narnia an Harry Potter. I'm just wondering what you guys think. Lol
Given that's how Tolkien meant for it to read like, I'd say it's pretty much expected. Tolkien's work on LOTR and Silmarillion, etc... were as much fiction as they were an academic work. He was a specialist of linguistics and mythology and his work about Middle Earth were pretty much an attempt at creating an entire culture from scratch by creating the languages, the Literature, mythology and History that define it.
Given that's how Tolkien meant for it to read like, I'd say it's pretty much expected. Tolkien's work on LOTR and Silmarillion, etc... were as much fiction as they were an academic work. He was a specialist of linguistics and mythology and his work about Middle Earth were pretty much an attempt at creating an entire culture from scratch by creating the languages, the Literature, mythology and History that define it.