Does Tom Cruise have real hair?


New member
Jul 11, 2011
I have always been interested in celebrities on how they stay young and healthy. But Tom Cruise appears to be over-healthy and young. I know that not all men go bald in their fifties. But his hair does not even recede. Neither does it have signs of greyness. I always thought that he wears a "hair system"toupee. You can check them out on YouTube. If it is real, then scientology has helped him indeed(just kidding).

WARNING: All the irrelevant Scientology related remarks will kindly be reported. We're not here to discuss Cruise's beliefs, but we're here to discuss his hair.
of course he has real hair but he might put dye on his hair so he does have hair but he might put a wig or something like that
Not all men go bald in the first place. People who don't have the active gene don't lose their hair.