Dog is pooping what seems to be like black tar and drooling, is he ok?


New member
Nov 30, 2009
My dog was neutered last wednesday, he has been fine and has seemed to be in no pain, he's been eating and drinking normally, however, the past 2 days he has been going #2 but it isnt normal. The poop is black BLACK.. and looks almost like black tar.... what does this mean, is this normal or is this serious? It's Sunday and where I live no Vets are open today. Just recently as a couple of hours ago, he started drooling from the mouth heavily as if he was dehydrated, he does not have rabies, he's had all his shots, he is just starting to to look sick, but still acts completely fine. Please let me know if this is a serious condition that i need to find an emergency vet for... thank you.
Take him to your vet. Don't wait. Vet always have an emergeny number! Ask them for advice. Did it eat poison or chocolate? The poop sounds like it is blood.
I agree with the previous posters. The black tarry poo is likely old blood. Not good. And the acute onset of drooling is often a sign of nausea. I wouldn't be surprised if he's vomited by the time you read this. Something is wrong. Go to an emergency vet.
After surgery? Pretty much anything unusual is cause for concern.
The only thing that I know that causes black poo is excess Iron in the diet- at least, thats what happens in humans.
The other thing that I can think of that would cause this kind of poo would be internal bleeding?
Is there anything he could have eaten that would cause this? maybe charcoal? Dogs actually like eating it!

The poo, plus the excess salivating, is definately cause for concern- I would definately at least call up a vets and tell them what is going on- they will probably want you to come straight in!
Good luck with him- I hope they can help you out!
I am no expert but I do know black poo , most usually , is a sign of internal bleeding.
You need to find a vet and fast.
no that is NOT NORMAL! i would say you do need to get that dog to a vet if he is looking dehydrated as that can be fatal.