EHarmony date was going awesome but then he asked for nude photos?


May 12, 2008
I met a wonderful man off of eHarmony, we talked for about a month. Text throughout the day, have been on three great dates- then tonight he asked me to send him a nude photograph? I don't get it!
I didn't reply, he finally said it I didn't have to but he wanted one.

Advice? Ditch it or what? I don't even know what to say to him.
You've only been on three dates. If you're uncomfortable and not happy with it then don't because you haven't been happy with him long enough; neither have you had sex with him so why commit to something that lasts long. Be playful if you want, but don't commit until you know or have a good feeling about it.
I would say he is either horny right now or he only wants sex from you.

Don't give it to him. sexting is illegal. lol
Kinda sounds like hes just in this for the sex, in my opinion at least. Tell him that you need to respect yourself, and he needs to respect himself. see how he acts, if he keeps pushing the nude photo, hes a perv then.
ive never done the whole online dating thing (never thought it would actually find anyone decent lol) but it seems pretty normal to me. ive had girls that i wasnt dating send me pics like that. if it was a first date thing i would say hes a creeper only trying to get some ass. if you want to test him say your not comfortable and maybe if things get serious you would. observe his reaction. if hes cool with it then he just likes you, if he gets angry he just wants a pic to jerk to lol. no guy is going to date a girl for months and month to see just a pic (not even the real thing) that he could see online for free.
tell him you'd rather show him in real life, but, he has to wait until you're comfortable. Men are sexual creatures. If you dont give him something soon he's gonna jump ship.