Eight Valentine's Day Movies For Highly Specific Situations


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Aug 16, 2010
A Valentine's Day movie, called Valentine's Day, released two days before Valentine's Day? How groundbreaking! Especially when you realize it's a romantic comedy (shock!) starring Julia Roberts and Jessica Alba (double shock!). It's billed as a film for couples Criminal Minds complete sets, meaning you should take a date Clint Eastwood dvds, and you're encouraged to laugh at people who go see it alone. Or, you can skip it. In which case CSI NY the complete series dvd, don't despair; there are plenty of other movies to watch this Valentine's Day, no matter who you are:1. For Those Who Associate Valentine's Day with Murder The Tudors dvd sets The Tudors uk box set Curb Your Enthusiasm tv show dvd sale, Canadians:My Bloody ValentineDoes February 14 make you feel like someone's stabbing your heart with an axe-pick? Then this is the movie for you. Filmed in Nova Scotia and released in 1981 Rescue Me box set aust, this horror film centers on the sole survivor of a coal-mining accident Sex and the City box set, who goes on a revenge-driven rampage and proves once and all for that Canadians know both murder and love.2. For The Desperate Few Who Can't Find Human LoveLars and the Real GirlFor some people, finding another human being with whom to share this life can be a struggle. Perhaps you weren't blessed with the best of looks or with a winning personality. Perhaps you enjoy the music of The Bloodhound Gang. In any case Criminal Minds series box set CSI NY series boxset, there's a movie for you. Lars overcomes his relationship problems with people by falling in love with an inanimate object. I'm not saying that this is the way to go Spartacus Blood and Sand complete seasons Two And A Half Men dvd complete set, but it can't be any worse than spending another night alone listening to Hooray for Boobies La Femme Nikita buy Project Runway box set complete Angel dvd JAG the complete collection, can it?3. For Single White Females:Single White FemaleRarely does a movie have its demographic in the title (see also: Gay Republicans), and this one had the added intrigue of Bridget Fonda and Jennifer Jason Leigh getting into a fight. It's the perfect movie for a, well South Park dvd set complete The Shield full set Arrested Development complete dvd Medium dvd box set 1-6, single white female on Valentine's Day...along with some Haagen-Dazs.4. For Couples Hoping to Get Laid After Dinner:TeethYou'd think it'd be a foregone conclusion: it's Valentine's Day, you make reservations West Wing dvds compleat series, eat a prix-fixe dinner at a mid-range restaurant The X files import box set, and then, bam Curb Your Enthusiasm the comlete series, sweet lovemaking. If Breaking Bad complete series box set 1-3 dvd, however Charmed complete series Boston Legal complete set dvd complete, you bring your date back to her apartment only to find the mood has vanished, pop in this recent cult favorite. Not having sex can be a good thing; at least you don't have to worry about "vagina dentata."5. For People Who Drink to Dull the Pain:Die Hard: With a VengeanceA breakup can be pretty hard, even for a man as manly as John McClane. But that doesn't stop him from snapping out of his hangover long enough to jump onto a moving subway car ER full box sets Ally McBeal buy, escape from a ticking bomb Project Runway dvd uk edition JAG complete collection series 1-9 uk Stargate SG-1 complete box set Rescue Me dvds Clint Eastwood animated dvd, and even call the love of his life. Men Pretty Little Liars series dvd set South Park on dvd, what have you done lately?6. For Bookstore Owners/ People Who Get Stood Up:You've Got MailGetting stood up sucks JAG series 1-9, but sometimes you might just be dodging a bullet. I'm not going to explain the circumstances behind Meg Ryan getting stood up by Tom Hanks Gossip Girl box set dvd Andromeda complete series, or why they get together at the conclusion of the film. I'm not even going to explain why I've seen this movie in the first place; but trust me: they should have stayed apart. Because in the end, he's really not interested in her, only in destroying her indie bookstore. That should bring you some solace as you drink cheap, red wine, alone.7. For Those Who Like to Geek out on History:The St. Valentine's Day MassacreIt's not all about the candy hearts and "I Wuv You" cards on Valentine's Day. Sometimes, it's about something else colored red: blood. In 1929 ER box set series, seven people died on February 14 in a gunfight between two rival Chicago gangs Arrested Development complete series dvd box set - new, one headed by Al Capone and the other by Bugs Moran. Some forty years later Curb Your Enthusiasm complete set dvd Friday Night Lights import box set dvd complete, Roger Corman decided to make a film about it. The result is a movie with a title that's both literal and a good metaphor for any couple breaking up on Valentine's Day.8. For People Who Actually Believe in True Love:Back to the FutureBecause flying DeLoreans aside, isn't movie about the relationship between Doc and Marty? And doesn't it prove that gay or straight Andromeda dvds, white-haired or perpetually young, mad scientist or aspiring rock star, love truly does conquer all?