Elaborate Bank Heists

Watch Bandits

take bank manager night before and take him in in the morning before peolple show up
With the AK's they had sitting in the trunk of the car?

EDIT: They had that anyway for the record.
Those guys had robbed numerous banks before that one. I think they knew what they were doing.
i would find a pedophiliac owner of a bank and blackmail him with incriminating pics forcing him to gib me all da gold
that's what i was saying... Fool proof plan

i'll start by moving to chatsworth, ca to become a pornstar. from there i'll work my way up the porn corporate ladder until i have my own company. while i'm moving up the vagina ladder i'll make friends with the locals, including the bankers. once i have my own company i'll hook some bankers up with some jobs with some top notch pornstars. a little latter down the road i'll ask to do a "bank robbery" photo shoot. i'll remind my banker "pals" of their "success" in the films i hooked them up with and coerce them into getting into this shoot. while they're getting laid, i steal all the cash and replace it with the fake money we had on site for the shoot. everything should go off without a hitch and i'm out to canada the next day.
Getting a migraine from your "plan."
I won't lie, I don't have a heist plan... but I also don't have a retarded one that a 7 year old with down syndrome thought of.
Not saying you're going to... You just like a fucking idiot when you say what you're thinking. You really should stop talking.
hack a bank, do it all without even having to step in.

yes, this is a good idea for them lazy people out there.
Find where the manager of said bank lives, Sleep over with the managers family accompany him to the bank early the next morning, take the money and leave.
Place remote detonated Claymore mines (with Ball bearings in them) within the 1 block radius of the bank. Get enough guys for 1 for each teller so they don't hit the silent alarm. When the cops eventually do get there, blow the claymores, drive away.
ROTFLOL!!!! This is the funniest thing i have read in a long freakin time. The most plausible plan in here yet.