Error when restoring apps to my iPhone?


May 13, 2008
I recently had my iphone wiped clean and the restoration I did didn't restore the applications. I clicked on the apps tab on iTunes and clicked sync with all the apps checked to be restored. At the top of the window, it keeps getting to step 4 of 6 "determining apps to sync" and then it stops. The capacity bar bumps the apps section up while it's trying to sync but then it goes right back down to nothing. What should I do?
I just tried it a few more times and now it won't get past the first step. Then a window pops up saying that the iPhone could not be synced because the sync session failed to start.
Check if Your computer is authorized to run these apps
Try: restarting iTunes
downloading a fresh new app from iTunes Store to see if the problem is about syncing apps or about the app itself.
Sometimes after a restore you get syncing errors try a reboot for both of your devices.