Facebook Account Suspended.Let me know what had happend?


New member
Oct 17, 2012
Pls read
when i login to the facebook my
acount they tell me this :
Your account has been
temporarily suspended
Suspicious activity has been
detected on your Facebook account
and it has been temporarily
suspended as a security precaution.
It is likely that your account was
compromised as a result of
entering your password on a
website designed to look like
Facebook. This type of attack is
known as phishing.
iam sure no one knows my password.and i did not used my fb from public computer.I used fb page manager for abdroid and Iloader for android for fb Photo uploading.while uploading through iloader most of the time it automatically goes to a website.and i need to Stop loading the page and press the back key to return to the iloader app.
is it a cause for my fb a/c problem.(suspension.) can using any app cause for suspensions?
help me pls