first time posting lyrics, your opinions please. Know any good collaborators?


Jun 13, 2008
This tells a story of part of my life. It was written with the influences of Creed, Daughtry, and Shinedown in mind. I hope no one else has to make this choice. I reserve copyright but I am looking for a collaborator.

Youth betrayed

She’s too young to know better
And wasn’t given time to care
Life didn’t give her the chance to live
The life she wanted to live
Anger and rage ruled the day
His rage would never fade
Broken hearts and bones
Was the price she paid
For youth betrayed

Her youth was betrayed
By violence and anger
Living on the edge of sanity
There was no where to run
She had no where to hide
Where do you go
When the hell you know
Is the place you call home
Where do you go
When this is the life you know

Her life she lives in a shell
In a room locked from within
To shut out the violence and anger
She was too close to the fire
To know she was being burned
No one should ever have to live
This life she’s forced to live
Now she can’t help but blame
The one that caused the pain

(Chorus x 1)

No one could save her
From the pain she feels
In this life she lives
How do you choose?
When you’re forced to decide
Who should stay, who should go
A father should never
Be forced to choose
Which child to loose
But the choice was clear
I just hope I will understand
This choice that I made
For a son that I sent away

(Chorus x1)